Fun & Functional Home

Decorating your home can be daunting, it involves so many decisions. Where are all my people who don’t like making decisions?? I feel like I am always decorating some corner or room in our house. I rather enjoy collecting things (i’m not a hoarder but Cory might disagree). The things I collect are often home accents… which as you can image, takes up a lot of space. I am sure if I collected stamps or Pokemon cards, I would hear less complaints about the amount of space my collections take up. Can I help it if I have good taste and put myself in situations where I find great pieces to buy?? Read on to see why I have fallen in love with Walmarts Wow and Now section!

Let’s start with our Guest Bedroom. We actuality have two, and each of us were in charge of decorating our Guest Bedrooms. Of course I was already mentally decorating mine before we even moved in, Cory on the other hand was taking the scenic route. Finally with a little push from me - ok ok it was BIG push and maybe a threatening of another plate wall, he finally decorated it. I love that its is finally completed for the most part.

We are so lucky to live less than 5 minutest from a Walmart! Walmart is not only convenient but it helps make my life so much easier with their home decor section. The prices are great and they always have something I didn't know I needed. Insert their new Wow and Now section! HERE The section was just introduced on 7/19 in select stores and online, so do not feel bad if you are just now hearing about it. The section can be found in the Walmart Home section! The section will feature trending, fun items at great price points.

Walmart home shopping Home decor via stylin brunette

I have rounded up some of the items we used. Since some are from items we already owned I linked some that are similar . Everything is from Walmart and most from their Wow and Now products. Click here to visit their Wow and Now page.

Walmart Home never disappoints me! Shop this post by clicking on any of the pictures.

You know what’s great about being an adult? You can literally decorate your space however you want! Like you don’t have to think twice about buying that dish towel that is tie dye or if you want all your cooking pots to be pink, you can get pink ones! It is amazing! Well that was my mindset when I realized that functional didn’t have to mean boring! Y’all know I love color, so its not surprise that I was excited to find all of these times from the Wow and Now section. I am already looking at some and thinking they would make great Christmas gifts!

I had NO IDEA kitchen items came in fun colors! Can we talk about that office chair? OMG the pink and the gold!! WOW! Thank you so much for reading!

I am proud to say this blog post was sponsored by Walmart! I hope this post has encouraged you to “Do It Yourself or Treat Yourself”

- Stylin Brunette

Kristel Gonzaba