Things I Never Knew I Needed... Until Now

The Pioneer Woman Collection for Walmart is oh so cute! I have never thought I would want a cock pot until I saw the Pioneer Woman X Walmart Collection. Keep reading to see some of my other favorites from this collection. This post is proudly sponsored by Walmart. All ideas and thoughts are my own.

blue and white home pioneer woman Walmart grandmillennial via stylin brunette

This crock pot is under $30 and I already have two in my online Walmart cart! I am officially going to be looking up recipes for crock pots just so I can use it.

Fun fact, when I was in college I did not cook very much. I was getting ready to come home for Thanksgiving break, my junior year of college, when my mom informed me I needed to be in charge of a dish for Thanksgiving dinner. I then googled “easy and delicious mashed potato recipes” and one of the top clicks was for a recipe by the Pioneer Woman. I clicked on it and it seemed easy enough, so I made it that year. Well who would have known they were going to be such a HUGE HIT!! So much so that I have made them every year since! Here is the recipe.

The pioneer woman gave me my first bit of confidence in the kitchen and I am so excited to see some of her pieces in our kitchen today. Here are some of my favorite items from her collection with Walmart.

Be sure to check out her other collections across the Walmart departments. I never knew I needed some of these items in my kitchen, until now.

Thank you so much for reading along!

I hope this has encourage you to “Do It Yourself or Treat Yourself” - Stylin Brunette